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Binfire makes collaborating on projects easy.

Binfire was founded in 2010 to bring innovative and affordable online collaboration and work management tools to professional teams and small businesses. Our goal is to make it possible for teams to collaborate wherever they are, whenever they want and work with whatever device they may have. We not only provide online project management tools, but we also offer work management platform to manage your work from the cloud!

When all your work is managed and stored on the cloud, your need for a physical office is greatly reduced. The App has every feature you need to manage your work productively.

Recently we have released a new platform with enhanced features far beyond what is available on other platforms. It is called Sagekick and the app is free for small teams and startups. It has advanced features such that multiple projects on one Gantt chart (portfolio Gantt), Team management, assigning teams to projects, portfolio Kanban boards, Team communication tool like Slack (a lot more secure and integrated with your other data), and many more.

Sagekick replaces at least six separate applications with one lean and easy to use platform. Your date is secure and is encrypted at the highest level. You own your data, not us. If and when you leave the platform you can take all your data with you.

Binfire was founded by David R. Robins & Mr. M. Ariel in Oct 2010 in New York City and is backed by several rounds of private investment. We have offices in New York City and Israel. Plus, have a development center in Romania. All our work is done remotely and we use our own tools to manage work, communicate, and track the progress of our projects.

Binfire was recently featured in:

BnetBrainyardGigaomKiller Startups

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