
Google Drive in Project Management

Google Drive is a great tool and it is free! You can store your work and personal documents, pictures, and movies in the cloud and share it easily and safely.

Google gives you the peace of mind that your files are safe in their huge data centers. You can collaborate on files you have uploaded. An added benefit you can access your files from anywhere and from any device.

It is also extremely easy to use, if you have a Gmail account, you are good to go! Google gives you generous storage space and file sharing all for free!

Why integrate with Google Drive?

Google drive becomes an even more awesome tool when it is integrated and used in other applications. That is why we integrated Google drive in our project management application.

We have our own amazing built-in storage drive which we call Binfire driver. Binfire Drive not only stores your documents on secure clouds in multiple locations, it encrypts each file and keeps all version of every file you upload.

You can always access any version of a file regardless of how many years ago you worked on that file and how many times you modified it.

So why we have integrated Google drive when we have our own content management system? The answer is quite simple, a good project management applications let you access your files whenever and wherever they are stored.

You should not keep multiple copies of the same file because you use different applications. From your work management application, you should have access to all your documents and files regardless who host them.

In Binfire you can attach files from your Google drive to tasks, comments, and messages on the message board. Once a file is brought to Binfire from Google drive, all project members have access to that file. No need to give individual permissions to each member.

You maintain full control over files you bring from G drive to Binfire project management application. The files are stored in Google’s storage servers and Google gives access permission to the Binfire’s application for files you have selected.

If you decide to modify files from Google drive you are taken to Google Docs. There you are able to modify the files. After the modification, you are taken back to your project management application.

In the near future will be integrating the G-Suite and the Gmail with our project management application for greater benefits to our users.


Dan Smiljanić

Dan is a practitioner of project management and our resident geek. With a background in computer science, Dan is the lead product tester at Binfire. When Dan not writing code, you will probably find him cycling and hiking with friends.

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