Why Binfire is the best project management software for startups?

Why Binfire is the best project management software for startups?

startups-imageWell, you have started your own startup alone or with your co-founders, congratulations are in order! You are for an adventure of life time! It is both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time! It is the most satisfying thing you will do all your life and at the same time the most difficult & time consuming work you will be ever doing! Startups don’t have the luxury of endless time & cash! Small mistakes could be fatal to the future of the company and if anybody needs help it is today’s startups!

To be efficient & productive, start ups need the right tools that not only help them manage their works now when they are small & agile, but when the business grows and they have made it as a big company. Collaborative project management software is one of the best tools to help you get organized and productive. It helps you organize your work, it lets you plan and track projects & tasks, it manages and handles all you communication needs around each project or task in its own space. You ask why is Binfire the best project management software for startups? There are many other applications calling themselves the best project management software for startups. I have listed the benefits of why Binfire is the right tool for startups now and when they grow up and become successful!.

Why is Binfire the Best Project Management Software for Startups

We at Binfire follow the same business philosophy as Apple corporation. We believe software should be tightly integrated and maintained for the sake of customer’s benefits & efficiency. Of course Binfire works with third party software packages like Google drive, Google Calendar & DropBox, but all its vital components are developed in house and are not farmed out  to hundreds of different providers like what our competitors are doing. If you need a Gantt chart, it is integrated into Binfire for maximum efficiency. If you need resource loading just the same. If you need time tracking again we are doing our own time tracking module. This way all modules work perfectly together and you don’t need to sign up for 10 different application to have the same functionality as Binfire! In addition collaboration features are integral part of the software. You can chat with all members of your team in the group chat, you can send messages when a team member is not online and they will see it in their inbox when they login. You can leave comments on tasks, files and messages. The message board lets all team members converse on the same issue. The whiteboard is the perfect brainstorming & review tool supporting, text, drawing, images and URLs. These are some of the reasons why organizations are using binfire.

Task management that grows with your business

Binfire has by far the best task management tool in the market today, hence making it the best project management software for startups. It supports sub-tasks six levels deep, dependencies, Gantt, resource loading and more. You can leave a comment on a task, follow a task or make other team members to follow a task. You can mark what percentage of the task is completed! Assign the task to somebody. Record what percentage of the task is done and more. Binfire supports milestones and soon recurring tasks. The interactive Gantt lets you to modify tasks and change duration and start point. Soon you will be able to track time on each task and each project. In short Binfire gives you all the tools you need to mange tasks in small projects or large one today or in the future when you are managing hundreds of projects and thousands of employees.

Collaboration around tasks & ideas

From very beginning collaboration was built in the application. We support real time group chat, internal messaging, which eliminated the reliance on email, message board for group discussions and interactive whiteboard for brainstorming and reviews. All these tools are tightly integrated in the software. Each project has its own whiteboard, message board and group chat. Binfire includes its own document management  functionality. It keeps very version of each file you upload. Special functions like file locking help collaboration on document greatly. You can collaboratively Mark up PDF files and images. If you click on an image file or a PDF file, it opens in a markup window which lets you and your team mark up any document with text, drawing or images and see the changes in real time everywhere. The application automatically saves the markups for you separately form the file itself. Imaging collaborating  on engineering drawing with your team located in 3 different continents.

Everything in Binfire is supported by comments and starring. By starring a file or a task you will follow it. If there are changes made to the file or the task, you get notification. All pages are updated in real time so what you see in any page at any time is what your teammates see regardless of where they are located.

Reports that make your corporate life easier

At the end of each month or each quarter you need to create reports for your project or board of directors meetings. This is tedious and time consuming tasks. The application generates awesome reports in just one click of mouse! All you need to know regarding a single project or all your projects (project portfolio) are shown in a PDF file with all statistics listed and gorgeous graphics you can take to your meetings. This alone saves you hours of hard labor during you busiest time of the year. Graphics like burn-down chart which shows how your project is progressing in a simple chart, or resource loading which shows how your resources are allocated across all projects gives you and your team great insight at what is happening in your projects, if you are on time or if falling behind.

For the best project management software for startups  in the market today  click here for 1 month free trail!


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