Binfire Review of Binfire and Interview with CEO, David Robbins, an Australian based project management website geared for project managers has published a great two part article on of Binfire with a product review and an interview with our CEO, David Robbins. It’s a great way to learn more about Binfire and about how Binfire understands its users.

Among many insights, reviewer Ofer Tamir highlights a very critical piece of information that sums up what makes Binfire such a compelling option for project management and remote team collaboration, namely regarding development:

“Binfire has done a great job of curtailing rapid feature development and has instead focused on doing few things, but doing them well…Furthermore, Binfire has constantly upgraded and expanded these core features in subsequent releases while still keeping the service free.”

In the second part, Adeline Teoh, editor of, conducts a mini-interview with our CEO that focuses on Binfire’s understanding of its users and what sets us apart from the competition.

Here’s a sample:

Adeline: “What does Binfire have that no other software offers?”

David: “We offer project collaboration and not just project management. We are creating a ‘virtual project room’, which enables remote teams to work as if they are in the same room. This helps the PM to start and manage a project effectively and make the team self-sufficient and provide him with the latest information seamlessly. We facilitate and manage communication, project tasks, reporting, documents, brainstorming on whiteboard and more. When our software is used with a tool like Skype, the team can do anything that they can do in person.”

Binfire offers a host of features needed to plan, manage and track projects. It helps teams to communicate and collaborate using group chat, message boards, and interactive whiteboard.

For advanced projects, interactive Gantt chart and task dependencies can make the job of planning projects that much easier.

So what are you waiting for? Go get your team fired up!

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