Attaching files to task and comments coming soon

Soon we release the latest version of our online project management software. In this release you can attach a file to any task, comment or status tweet. This feature has been one of the most requested features by our users. We also have added tagging and search to the files. Now you can search for files based on tag or file name.

Another feature in this release is the addition of shout box to each page. Now you can send a quick note to us from within the application if you encounter any issue or have any suggestion. You don’t need to type an email address or anything else. Just type what is in you mind and click on send. The system know the user who send the note. We will get back to you with an answer via email as soon as humanly possible.

One last thing, when you edit a task, there is always the danger of somebody else in your team editing the same task. This creates real nightmares as whose changes are accepted by the system Now you can see if others in your team have opened the task form. This way using chat, you can coordinate who is doing what and not step over each others changes.

Collaboration is the secret sauce of successful projects!

David Robins


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