We are glad to announce from now on student groups can use Binfire free of charge for managing their projects, tasks, collaboration and communication. In addition, as part of our support for educational organizations and nonprofit organizations we provide complete services for as many members you have in your group or organization with substantial discounts. All you need to do to signup here using a college email address or a nonprofit email address. After you sign up, send support@binfire.com an email with the headline “Discount for student groups and nonprofits”. In the email mention how you plan to use Binfire for and how many members you have in your organization (all should have email addresses with the same domain name) that will use Binfire. We will give substantial discount for any plan you choose. For student groups using college email address for all members, the plans are free. If you need help to get started, our support team will provide help via email until your are up and running!
David Robins
Hi. OpenOakland, our Code for America brigade, is a volunteer organization with about 10 core, 50 active, and 200 occasional volunteers. We don't issue email addresses for our volunteers. Can we still arrange for free Binfire service for our government transparency, civic engagement, and Gov2.0 projects?
Phil Wolff, OpenOakland
Sent you an email. Yes you can get a free plan. Please check your email and get back to me.