Asana Alternative

Best Asana alternative for 2020

In the past twelve months, we have been hard at work to create a new online project management software, one we are aiming to be the best Asana Alternative!

If you are not familiar with Binfire we have been in business since 2010 (longer than Asana).

Our app is used in many graduate schools in the USA to teach project management best practices to business students. 

We are an all engineering company, unlike Asana which is a marketing-driven company.

Out of 21 employees we have, 20 are engineers of which 8 are women and six are from minority groups.

Last year we had an epiphany to offer our customers the best value at the lowest cost for managing projects and collaborating with their colleagues.

We evaluated all of our competitions’ products, customer service, and pricing exhaustively. 

Based on this research we worked on our app for a year to make it the best project management software in the market.

Now we have the best Asana alternative, Monday alternative, etc in the market, period.  

We are pleased to let you know we have an amazing product which is easier to use, has better features and costs less than Asana, Monday or any other of our competitors.

If you are tired of Asana’s hyper marketing schemes and the constant push for upgrades and higher prices, you will find the right Asana Alternative in Binfire.

If you are tired of the insane marketing campaign by Monday, you will find Binfire emphasis on engineering and not marketing refreshing.   

5 reasons Binfire is the best Asana Alternative

In the paragraphs below, we have listed the five top reasons why Binfire is the best Asana Alternative.

We have also listed some of the features that Binfire offers, which makes Binfire a much better product than Asana, Monday or any other project management app in the market today.

If you are been looking for an Asana alternative you are in the right place.  

WBS Demo

1- Fanatical Customer care  

Customer care and satisfaction have been the number one priority for us since we started the company. We are fanatical about our customer’s satisfaction. 

We set our company culture to make sure we value our customers first, our employees second, our communities third, and our investors forth.

Compare us with Asana or other SaaS apps in the market today for customer support.

Check the social media and notice the difference between us and other companies regarding customer care.  

We care what you have to say and we will answer any inquiry in 4 hours or less during weekdays. All plans provide full customer support.

If you have questions or need help, send an email to


and one of our customer care professionals will get back to you within 4 hours.

2- An All-Inclusive solution

When you buy a plan from Binfire, every feature Binfire offers today or in the future is included.

Unlike Asana which forces you to upgrade endlessly when you need new features, Binfire gives you every feature we have now or will add in the future at the price you signed up.

We believe in having one solution for managing work and collaboration.

So, we keep adding more powerful features every 2 months and all plans get those features at the same time and with no additional cost.

With Asana you either have to upgrade constantly or buy third-party apps to complement features they don’t provide.

Just this simple pricing alone makes Binfire a great value and an awesome Asana alternative.

3- Affordable Pricing

We believe in fair pricing and strive to provide the best value for the money to our customers.

In addition to standard plans, we offer freelances and small teams special pricing.

As a freelancer, you can buy a single-seat, two, three or more seats. The price per seat is set to be affordable for freelancers.

We also offer nonprofits and educational institutions substantial discounts to all our plans. 

4- The highest level of security

Your data and information security are very important to us. All your data is encrypted with the highest level of encryption. 

All files are encrypted and stored on multiple servers using Rackspace and Amazon servers in multiple locations.

We believe you own your data, and not us. So regardless of the plan you have, you can download all your data at any time.

Asana reserves this option only for their enterprise (highest paid) customers.

5- Amazing Features

Binfire has amazing features which as a whole make Binfire not just another project management software but a work management application that replace 3 or 4 business applications that businesses need to do their job.

Work breakdown structure demo        

5.1- Portfolio Dashboard

Binfire is the only project management app in the market which offers a portfolio Dashboard. Portfolios are a business feature in Asana and you need to upgrade from Basic or Premium plans to get it.

You can see every task in all your projects displayed on the dashboard.  

The dashboard lets you filter tasks by assignment, by project, and by priority.

It also lets you see tasks that are due today, are open and no one is working on them, tasks which are in progress, tasks that are late, tasks that are completed, and tasks that are approved.

In the dashboard, you can assign tasks, change status, change the start date and the due dates, and open the full task editor for the task.

In the next version, we will introduce Swimlanes on the dashboard. The swimlane sections tasks according to projects or Members or Status.     

5.2- Portfolio List view

Like the Portfolio Dashboard, the Portfolio list view displays all tasks in all your projects in the list view format. 

You can filter tasks any which you want and inspect the details of the task in the right window.

Binfire has task dependencies in all plans and you never need to upgrade from your current plan to have dependencies.

Dependencies are a premium feature in Asana, so you need to upgrade to have them.  

This list view page will go through a major upgrade in the next version. 

New dashboard for Agile project management

Portfolio Dashboard

5.3- Portfolio Boards

We have totally revamped the Kanban board page. Now you can create your own boards the way you want them.

You have total flexibility in designing your own boards, creating lists in them, and adding tasks.

There is no limit on the number of boards you can create. The Portfolio boards show tasks in all your projects in one board. Asana does not have this feature.

All boards are synced with dashboard, calendar view, and list view so you can move from one view to another with ease.

This enables users to manage their projects using  Agile project management including Scrum.

If you are not familiar with what Agile project management is…it’s an iterative and collaborative way of managing projects. It empowers the team to self manage to improve productivity.

In case you don’t know what Scrum is…scrum is an agile framework or iterative development. Each development cycle is called Sprint with each iteration lasting four to six weeks

The Board view like dashboard has a swimlane option. We will cover the swimlane functionality in section 5.11.   

Kanban Boards                                                  Kanban Control Panel 

Kanban board

                                                           Kanban board

5.4- Portfolio Calendar

For those who love calendars,  Binfire’s portfolio calendar is stuff made in heaven.

In the portfolio calendar, tasks from all your projects are shown.  

Not only you can view tasks, vacations, holidays, and out of office hours in this calendar, you can edit or create new ones too.

Using drag and drop you can rearrange the task’s start date and due date. You can open the task editor to add more details and you can filter the view any which way you want.

You can sync the calendar with Google calendar and view all your tasks and events in the Google calendar too.   

5.5- Interactive Gantt Chart

Each project has its own interactive Gantt Chart. Gantt charts are also called timeline, but regardless of what you call them Binfire’s Gannt chart is interactive and awesome.

You can view and edit all tasks in your project using your mouse and drag and drop action.

Soon we will have a portfolio Gantt Chart which will show tasks from all your projects in one graphical view.

You will be able to add a dependency from a task in one project to a task in another project.

No other application in the market today has this feature. This feature alone makes Binfire a much better Asana alternative!   

5.6- User-set permissions

In each project, you can set who has access to any page in your Binfire. You can give full, read or no permission for each page to each member. 

By default when new users are added, they are given full access to all pages to your account.

It is up to you to change these permissions. To do so go to the control panel of each project and easily change each member’s access permission. 

This gives you full flexibility as to who has access to your projects and what they can see and do. 

5.7- Custom status or Section

We have added a new field to each task called custom status or a section. This feature enables you to group your tasks in each project.

Assume one of your projects includes members from development, marketing, and sales teams. 

By using the custom status or section, you can categorize tasks into these three sections for a better view and following.

Or, assume you want a new way of doing Kanban and traditions open, to do, doing and done is not enough for managing your projects.

You can simply and easily design your Kanban board. There is no limit on how many boards you could have in Binfire.

Boards could be Private or Public. In public boards, all members of your workspace are added automatically.

In private boards, you add people whom you want to have access to that board.   

5.8- Built-in Time Tracking

Unlike Asana, Binfire has its own robust built-in time tracker. You don’t need to sign up for another app to track the time you and your team spend on each task.

The application keeps track of the time spent by team members on each task and records them on the time tracking page.

It creates a daily, weekly and monthly time log for each task and each member.  

You can download this data as an Excel sheet to be used by your accounting or finance application.   

5.9- Multiple people assigned to the same task

Unlike Asana, Binfire lets you assign multiple people to a task. This is a huge difference between how two apps handle resources.

The app allows people to work part-time or full time on any task and it adjusts task duration based on contributor’s availability.

You can assign project members to a task in the dashboard, list view or the quick editor which could be activated on any page by clicking on the task’s title.

This is another reason Binfire is the ultimate Asana alternative.      

5.10- Built-in Conversations page

Again, unlike Asana, you don’t need a communication app to talk and collaborate with your team.

Binfire has its own message board for robust team communication and online collaboration.

Binfire message board is similar to the Slack message board, but it is tightly connected to your projects.

You can create unlimited channels and invite your team members to collaborate on a specific topic.  

This makes your team’s communication more secure and more organized!   

You can arrange team communication and collaboration around the projects or company-wide.     

5.11- Third-party integration

Binfire Integrates with third-party applications you use most. They include Google Drive, Google calendar, and Dropbox.

With one click you can connect to Google services or Dropbox. We are working to add G-Suite integration next.  

Soon we will be integrating with at least one CRM app and one accounting app.  Details will follow soon. 

5.12- Document Collaboration

One of Binfire’s amazing features which no other competitor has is the ability to collaborate on PDF file and images.

Any PDF or image file in Binfire could be used for collaborative markup.

In addition, Binfire has an interactive whiteboard that allows the team to collaborate online.

We also keep all versions of your files. You have access to all versions of files you have uploaded to Binfire’s native storage.      

5.13- Swimlanes for dashboard and board

Swimlanes divide a view into several sections. Binfire Boards and Dashboard implement swimlanes.

You can partition a list by projects, by members and custom status.

This is an amazing feature for clarifying and organizing your work the way you prefer.

The Kanban board picture shown in the previous paragraphs shows the board having two sections, one for each project.   

5.15 Manage projects using Agile, Waterfall or Hybrid

In  Binfire you decide which project management method is right for you! If you like Agile? Binfire fully supports Agile and Scrum methods.

Do you prefer the Waterfall method? No problem, the waterfall has been in Binfire’s DNA from day one.

You have heard about the Hybrid project management method and are curious? No problem with that either. Binfire is the only project management software which supports the Hybrid method.

Since no other app in the market supports all these methods, we are sure you will find Binfire the best and only Asana alternative. 

hybrid project management demo 


Binfire is the best Asana Alternative and in fact a much better product than Asana or Monday.

See a list of Asana project management pros and cons too. 

We are so confident about our product, which we give you 3 months free subscription if you leave any of our competitors like Asana, Monday or Smartsheet and join us.  

Try us for free and see how Binfire can help you and your team to get organized and achieve more.

Request a demo to see how awesome is the new Binfire. 

General FAQ:

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”What Asana is good for?” answer-0=”Asana is a good task manager for simple projects or personal use. Some features are added to support more project management functionality.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”What are Asana’s strong points?” answer-1=”Asana is a good task manager. It has a strong notification system for team collaboration. The UI looks good.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”What are Asana’s main weaknesses?” answer-2=”Asana is hard to use and has a steep learning curve. The most useful functions are in Business and Premium plans, as such it is very costly to use by teams. On top of that, tt forces freelancers to pay for 5 users.” image-2=”” count=”3″ html=”true” css_class=””]


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