Much better than asana

Better than Asana

There is a lot of hype around Asana as a product and the company as a software provider. Asana has done a good job marketing its software. But is Asana really a project management application as the company claims or a glorified task list?

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to project management software. Anything that deals with tasks or collaboration are pushed to the consumer as the project management software. Slack, Evernote, Trello, and even Dropbox are touted as Project management and collaboration tools.

Asana is a task management system with some added team collaboration feature thrown in. It lacks some of the most important features for a good project management application.

We believe Binfire is the right project management software for both traditional and remote teams. The features found in Binfire not only cover managing tasks but covers all that is needed to plan a project, manage and execute it.  It brings collaboration where it is needed most.

Better than Asana

Gantt Chart– Binfire has a built-in interactive Gantt chart. Nothing shows the status of a project better than a Gantt chart. The Gantt chart is interactive which means any changes are broadcasted instantly to everyone in the team.

Issue Tracking– When working on the development of any device or anything, there are always issues and bugs which need to be corrected.

User Permissions and Roles– Not everybody needs the same access to all parts of the application. For this reason, in Binfire the project manager can decide who has access to what

Message board– In today’s project management, collaboration and communication are extremely important. Asana gives that responsibility to third party applications like slack.

Time Tracking– Again in many projects time tracking is essential, but here again, this important feature is farmed out to third-party applications like Harvest, unlike Binfire which has its own integrated time tracking tool.

Collaboration Tools- When working on projects and employing remote teams the project management software should bring all tools needed for collaboration and brainstorming. Asana does not have any of the following tools:

  • Interactive Whiteboard– An interactive whiteboard is a great tool for brainstorming if all project members are not in the same room.
  • Document Markup– When review documents like PDF files and images, it is great to be able to collaborate with them from within the project management application.

If you are managing a project and your team is located in multiple locations, you need all the features listed in this article to get things done. Why signup and pay for multiple applications when Binfire can bring to you all you need in a simple application?

One of the biggest issues with multiple application integrations is the problem of data sync across these applications. The API changes and data sync issues create long dead time periods when some tools don’t function as planned.

Since in Binfire the essential tools are tightly integrated and have access to the same database, you never encounter data sync and data corruption issues.

We wrote an article titled Asana project management pros and cons recently.

Try Binfire free for one month and see how it can improve your team’s productivity.


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