Wrike PM software

Wrike Review- 10 facts you should know

Wrike is a popular project management application. It is used in various industries and team sizes all over the world.

Wrike was funded in 2006 by Andrew Filev and has locations in California, Ireland, and Russia.     

In this article, we cover what is good about this application, what is bad, facts you need to know before purchasing it, and how it stacks up against the competition.

We have covered only the most important Wrike Alternatives in this article.  

Wrike Features

Wrike offers multiple options for users to manage tasks and projects. 

These features include Gantt Chart, Dashboard, storage, and Task Management.

Most advanced features are reserved for paid plans only.

The application has integration with many other applications like Google Drive and Dropbox.

In addition, it supports Zapier to connect to other applications which are not natively supported.

Both IOS and Android platforms are supported. The application is optimized to run on smartphones and tablets.   

Wrike Advantages

The application is loaded with features, which includes such advanced features as task management, time tracking, Gantt Chart, and customizable dashboards.

The application does more than just project management. It has features that are borrowed from the work management tools. 

It supports Zapire which enables the users to connect their project management application to other applications like CRM applications like Salesforce and financial reporting apps like QuickBooks.

The application supports Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, and Microsoft OneDrive for file storage.

The user can attach files to tasks and comments.  

The API’s documentation from Wrike is robust and enables other vendors to write add-on tools for the application.  

plan and track projects  

Wrike disadvantages

Wrike is very expensive and out of reach of most startups. It is more expensive per user than most other project management apps in the market.

Due to the sheer number of features in the application, the application is hard to master and use. 

The application’s user interface is not intuitive in many instances. It takes a while for the average user to get proficient using the app.

The learning curve is steep and takes a team quite a long time before they reach the proficiency to use the application effectively for collaboration. 

Finally, the application does not include a chat option.

Most modern project management and collaboration applications do offer real-time communication tools for team collaboration.

10 Facts about Wrike you should know

  1. The application is hard to learn with a steep learning curve
  2. The application is more expensive than the competition
  3. The UI is not intuitive and in some places confusing 
  4. The application lacks real-time communication features like Chat
  5. Lacks proper task estimation tools. It relies on the input from the user. It does not adjust the estimation when things go wrong.
  6. The UI does not follow social media style and is not collaborative
  7. Time tracking option is hidden in the task page and hard to get to
  8. The application lacks billing options for work done by employees
  9. The application does not support Agile and Hybrid methods adequately
  10. The project reporting option is lacking insight into the project’s real status

Wrike vs Binfire

Both applications provide a host of advanced features. Both support task management, project management, Gantt Chart, and work management methods.

Binfire supports Agile, Hybrid, and Waterfall project management methods.

Wrike is based solely on waterfall project management model and does not support Agile method adequately.

Binfire offers collaborative tools like a message board, Document markup, real-time chat, and interactive whiteboard which enhance collaboration among team members, but Wrike lacks these collaborative features.

The time tracking tool within Binfire is accessible from all pages in the application. This is a big difference from Wrike’s implementation.    

The collaborative features make Binfire better suited for remote teams which need real-time communication tools more urgently than local/colocated teams.         

Wrike vs Asana

Asana is mainly a collaborative task management tool. It does not have the depth of features needed to manage complex projects properly.

Asana provides task management and adds collaboration features for teams to communicate. 

Asana recently has added boards based on the Kanban concept, but you can’t switch between the board and list view in a project.

Another recent addition to Asana is Gantt chart which Asana calls it the Timeline.  The Asana timeline does not automatically adjust and update the tasks as tasks are changed.

The timeline also can’t show subtasks in its current form.

One of the big issues with Asana for business use is the fact that the application fails often and for an extended period of time.

This is a huge problem for businesses which require 24/7 uptime from their PM applications. 

Wrike vs Basecamp

Basecamp is one of the oldest task management applications in the market.

It was founded by Jason Fried in 1999 and is widely respected for its business honesty and integrity.   

Basecamp is easy to use but does not have many features needed to manage complex projects in the work environments.

Basecamp lacks subtasks, Gantt chart, dependencies, and many other project management features needed to manage projects properly and collaborate with your team efficiently.

The lack of subtasks and dependencies make Basecamp less usable for most projects. Only very simple projects can benefit from what Basecamp offers.  

If you have simple or personal projects in need of basic to-do lists then Basecamp is a good choice. 

Wrike vs LiguidPlanner 

LiquidPlanner like Binfire is full feature project management application and offers work priority. Wrike lacks this feature. 

A big advantage of LiquidPlanner is its resource-driven scheduling feature. The project’s schedule is resource driven and adjusted based on the availability of resources.

In addition, LiquidPlanner provides individual weekly work hours and calendar for each team member. 

Risk management is another important feature found in LiquidPlanner and not Wrike.

LiquidPlanner’s UI is very hard to get used to and the learning curve for this application is very steep. 

Although LiquidPlanner has more feature, and probably because of it, it is an extremely hard application to master and use effectively. 

Wrike vs MS Project

Microsoft Project is the dean of all project management applications in existence today.

The first version of MS project was introduced as a desktop application in 1986 under DOS operating system.

In 1990 a windows version and a year later Macintosh versions were released.

For decades MS project didn’t have any competition and only when SaaS gained traction other competitors entered the market.  

Although MS project is hard to learn and hard to use, in terms of the breadth of features and functionality it is still the king of the hill.

Wrike like many other project management vendors has copied many features from MS project and has brought them to the cloud as a SaaS application.

MS project is part of Microsoft’s office suite. For corporations who already pay for the Office suite, MS project is included for free.  

For new project managers and those with no experience with MS project, or nontechnical team, Wrike could be a good alternative to MS project.


Wrike is a good project management application with solid features. It is not easy to use, but most project management applications are not either.

In fact, there is a fierce race between major software vendors to find the right UX for collaborative software. 

As I have said many times before one solution does not meet everyone’s needs and requirements.

Before choosing a project management application or for that matter any software, try as many applications as you could.

Most software vendors provide a free trial option which lasts anywhere from 2 weeks to a month.

Read reviews in review sites like Capttera and ask friends and colleagues which application they use.

But nothing replaces the benefits of hands-on testing of an application with your team for a week or two to get the right feel for it.

Why do I say you need a week or two to evaluate a software package?

Because anything less than that when trying new complex software is sufficient. You need a few days of quality time with an application to get a good feel for it.

Let me know if you have comments or input about Wrike and its competition. I will update this article from time to time. 



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