Workplace wellbeing

Workplace Wellbeing – How and Why it Matters?

Workplace wellbeing is an important aspect of a successful organization. Investing in improving the physical and mental health of employees can go a long way in increasing job satisfaction, productivity, and loyalty. Here are ten ways employers can promote workplace wellbeing.

What is workplace wellbeing?

Wellbeing in the workplace refers to an employee’s overall physical, mental, and emotional health. It is closely linked to job satisfaction and morale amongst employees, as well as their productivity levels. Wellbeing in the workplace can also be seen as a reflection of the company’s values and commitment to its staff.

A changing definition

The 2020 pandemic prompted a substantial shift in how we think of employee wellbeing and has become a much more holistic concept. It now includes the physical and mental health of employees, as well as their overall sense of purpose, meaning, connection, and belonging. This is often referred to as ‘total wellbeing’.

Employers are more and more expected to take total wellbeing into account when coming up with and implementing policy. People the world over have had to quickly adapt to new ways of working, and employers need to be mindful that their workforce might be feeling the strain.

Why does workplace wellbeing matter?

In a nutshell: employees are the lifeblood of any organization. Without a healthy, happy workforce, organizations cannot run effectively or efficiently. Wellbeing initiatives can help to improve employee morale and performance, reduce absenteeism and turnover rates, boost team productivity, cultivate loyalty among employees, and even attract new talent.

It also matters from a reputational perspective. Employees talk, especially disgruntled ones who feel overworked, burned out, and under-appreciated. Disgruntled employees can significantly damage a company’s reputation, potentially affecting its ability to attract customers and investors.

Happy employees also act as recruiters, helping to showcase company culture to potential new hires.

How to promote workplace wellbeing

Flexible working

The traditional nine-to-five office job is no longer the only way to get work done. With advances in technology, many companies are offering flexible hours, remote working, and a choice of days off.

This can be beneficial for both employees and employers as it allows people to work when it best suits them and their lifestyle and take time for themselves when they need to.

Utilize Employee Management Software

To streamline the process of recognizing and rewarding employees, consider implementing employee management software. These digital tools can help automate performance tracking, facilitate peer-to-peer recognition, and manage reward programs efficiently. Employee management software can enhance the overall employee experience and contribute to a positive work environment. For those seeking alternatives to traditional performance management systems, exploring 15Five competitors may offer additional options tailored to your organization’s unique needs.  

Mental health support

Offering mental health support is a great way to show employees that their wellbeing is important and that the company cares about them. This could include providing access to mental health resources, such as counseling services or app-based programs, or offering mental health days off for staff.

Encouraging physical activity

Encouraging physical activity in the workplace can be a great way to boost employee morale, performance, and overall well-being. Companies may consider offering gym discounts or creating corporate sports teams, as well as organizing social activities such as team lunches or after-work gatherings.

Health and wellness initiatives

Organizations can introduce health and wellness initiatives such as offering healthy snacks in the office, providing nutritional workshops or seminars for employees, encouraging smoke-free workplaces, or introducing ergonomic furniture.

Provide recognition and rewards

Recognizing and rewarding employees for hard work is an effective way to show appreciation and support for their efforts. Companies can offer incentives for performance or introduce awards for employees who go above and beyond in their roles.

You can also use apps like employee perks platforms to reward and recognize them for an excellent job they have done.  

Develop strong relationships

Having strong relationships between managers and employees helps create a sense of connection, trust, and respect in the workplace. Companies can encourage employees to build strong relationships with each other and their managers by providing mentorship programs, team-building activities or training sessions.

Give back to the community

Organizing community events or volunteering/fundraising initiatives is a great way for companies to give back to their local communities while also promoting employee well-being. These activities can help employees feel a sense of purpose and connection to their community.

Implement work-life balance

Creating a positive work-life balance is key for employees to feel fulfilled in their jobs and motivated to succeed. This could include setting clear boundaries around work hours, encouraging breaks throughout the day, or allowing employees to take personal days off.

Additionally, providing guidance on how to create a DuPont schedule can be instrumental in helping employees effectively manage their time and balance their workload, further enhancing their well-being and productivity.  

The pandemic gave a lot of people a newfound perspective on what really matters to them and how their jobs should fit into that. There are a lot of ways to prioritize employee wellbeing, from implementing flexible working hours and offering mental health support to giving back to the community. By taking the time to create an enriching work environment for employees, companies can truly make a difference in their workplace.

Promote a positive work culture

Creating a positive and supportive workplace culture is essential for employee well-being. Companies can promote a positive work culture by setting clear expectations, providing regular feedback, and recognizing employees’ contributions. They can also support team collaboration by implementing open communication policies and encouraging healthy debates.

Offer employee assistance programs

Providing access to employee assistance programs (EAPs) is a great way for employers to show their commitment to their staff’s well-being. EAPs can offer counseling, legal advice, or financial advice as well as other services that can help employees manage their stress levels, work-related issues, or personal problems.


Implementing workplace wellbeing initiatives can have many positive benefits for both employees and employers. From improving mental health to increasing productivity, these strategies can help create a more supportive, productive, and engaged workforce.

By taking the time to invest in employee well-being, companies can ensure that their employees feel supported and valued.


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